Thursday, August 28, 2008

Brooke went back to school yesterday. She is pretty happy with all her classes, and she has a study hall last period which means she can leave early. Gary had yesterday off, but we didn't do too much. He had to mow the lawn, it was a week overdue, and I weeded the gardens. Ugh, not my favorite job. We spent 3 hours listing things on e-bay, and we still have more to go. I made tacos for dinner, and since I have not really cooked dinner much in the last few months they were thoroughly enjoyed. We had our propane delivered yesterday too. No problemo, she pre-paid for our whole winter's worth. Well we pre-paid at like $2.75 a gallon and it is down to $2.34 a gallon. So we paid probably about $170 more than we needed to. That was a bummer, but it could have been the other way too.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Shack

This book was not at all what I thought it was going to be when I bought it. It is actually a story about a man's journey in finding his way back to God. I have to confess I flipped through some pages and just scanned them because I wanted to finish it. It was a strange story and I had a hard time staying real interested in a lot of parts.
more animals

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Gary has been on vacation as you can see from the pictures. We can get Brooke to try on any hat when we are shopping and we make her model the most outrageous ones we can find, as you can see in the montage of previous pictures we hit the jackpot in a store in Ogunquit.
And, I know, I look pregnant with that top that I had on. I fervently hoped that is what everyone else thought too, not that I was fat!!!
Gary has been having a great vacation, the weather is fabulous this week. We spent one day in Ogunquit, went to the movies and saw Stepbrothers, it was hilarious. Brooke had her senior pictures taken on Sunday night, we went for chinese food last night, and tonight is Bingo. This is it though, we go home after this vacation and Brooke is back to school on Wednesday. We only have a few precious weekends left to come to Maine and then we have to shut it down.

Girl of Many Hats

Breaking Dawn

That's it. The stunning conclusion to the Twilight series. I read all 754 pages in a couple of days. I am sad that there will be no more to this story, but the movie comes out in November now, and they are in talks to film the others.
"To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense passion for Edward Cullen, and in another by her profound connection to werewolf Jacob Black, she has endured a tumultuous year of temptation, loss, and strife to reach the ultimate turning point. Her imminent choice to either join the dark but seductive world of immortals or pursue a fully human life has become the thread from which the fate of two tribes hangs."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

White is for Magic

"I'm Watching You..."
One year later it's happening again. Seventeen-year old Stacey Brown is having nightmares-creepy dreams haunted by the ghosts of people who have been brutally murdered.
This is the second book in the series. It was okay, I liked the first one much better.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Blue is for Nightmares

This is Brooke's book, it is a whole series. Not bad, very quick read.
"I Know Your Secret..."
Stacey Brown has lots of secrets- her crush on her best friend Drea's boyfriend, the spells she casts, and the nightmares that come true. Now she's dreaming about Drea and a psycho stalker. Saving Drea will take all the magic and courage Stacey's got. And everyone's secret will have to come out.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Life is Rough for Louie

Does Louie have a rough life do you think? Whenever Gary gets out of bed Louie gets right into his spot, head on the pillow, body under the blankets. Is there anything else we can get you Louie?

Vampire Stories from New England

This was just a quick book of short stories. I like
vampire stories, who knows why? I am still waiting
for Brooke to finish the new Stephenie Meyers
book. This book has 10 short stories, the best one
was about a town in northern NH that is all vampires.
The town is called Jericho and a guy from the IRS goes
to investigate because there have been no tax returns
filed from the town in a couple of years. It takes him
a while to catch on but he finally figures it out.
more cat pictures

Sunday, August 3, 2008


This is my first completed jigsaw puzzle of the
summer. Okay, so it's already August 3rd,
so it took me a while. This one is a 1000
piece puzzle from Hometown Collection
called Maple Sugaring.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ancient Mud Tribe Spotted in Maine

Actually no, it's only Brooke!!
Nothing much to report from Maine. We went to an auction last night down by Short Sands Beach. Ugh, it was so damp out, you feel humid and warm, but chilly too, and my feet were cold all night. It was not a very good auction this year, we have gone to this auction for the past 4 or 5 years and always gone home with a lot of stuff. This year it was kind of crappy. This morning I went out to some yard sales with Pat and Paul. Not much there either, I got a book and two puzzles. This afternoon I have to bring Brooke for her eye appt. and she is picking up the newest book in the Stephenie Meyer series. It came out today.


A boat is lost, but then comes a message- the Dunne family is alive!
A perfect family vacation turns into a life-or-death nightmare. This is a quick read with some surprising twists and turns, much like The Quickie. This is a great beach read.