Thursday, August 28, 2008

Brooke went back to school yesterday. She is pretty happy with all her classes, and she has a study hall last period which means she can leave early. Gary had yesterday off, but we didn't do too much. He had to mow the lawn, it was a week overdue, and I weeded the gardens. Ugh, not my favorite job. We spent 3 hours listing things on e-bay, and we still have more to go. I made tacos for dinner, and since I have not really cooked dinner much in the last few months they were thoroughly enjoyed. We had our propane delivered yesterday too. No problemo, she pre-paid for our whole winter's worth. Well we pre-paid at like $2.75 a gallon and it is down to $2.34 a gallon. So we paid probably about $170 more than we needed to. That was a bummer, but it could have been the other way too.

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