Monday, October 12, 2009

Fryeburg Fair 2009

I think I saw this guy at the Fair Saturday. Do you know
who it is? Only the best writer ever! Stephen King!
I am 95% sure it was him. He has a house near Fryeburg
so it is not as far-fetched as you might imagine. It is in
Lovell, Maine where he was struck by a van in 1999. He
injured his right side in that accident, and this guy I saw was
favoring his right side when he walked. What do you think?
Did I see him????

Louie's ghost costume

Brooke loves the horses

A Louie cow!!

Gary and Brooke playing a game. We won nothing
this time

Louie's Fall Owl sweater

I took this picture for my father to see, this is an old tractor!

the old schoolhouse

Brooke and Gary

Crowded Saturday

whoops, just in case you missed it the first time...

Gary and I. It was chilly!

The tiny little slot Gary had to back this camper in to

Louie Modeling the hat I bought Kali

Traffic, traffic, traffic. Luckily we were going a shortcut

and avoided all the traffic until we got to Meredith.

Some scenery from the ride home

We had a great weekend. Although it was quite chilly, I would rather have that than the hot. There are too many people in the Fair to be hot and sweaty too! We took my parent's camper again, thank you madre and padre! One little bloop driving up in the dark. We have a shortcut that brings us around the back of the Fair to avoid all the traffic. At night? It looks different! We blew by the right hand turn we were supposed to take, and had to turn around in a pitch black, big dirt driveway. No lights. This could have turned into another Wrong Turn movie, and no way was I getting OUT of the camper to direct, I hung out the door instead. Gary did a great job of turning that beast around, and then backing it into the little slot we were allotted. I ate like crazy this weekend. Pizza, clam chowder in a bread bowl, apple crisp, cheeseburger, mini donuts. That was only in the Fair, out in the camper we had M&M's, Halloween Oreos, Jax, Funny Bones and Chips. It is junk food weekend for us. I only buy Funny Bones (which are my favorite, and I keep cold in the fridge) one time a year. You would think that I would have gained 5 pounds? No, I weigh exactly the same as when I left on Friday morning. I guess it is all the walking in the Fair for 2 days. I bought Kali an adorable knit hat, that Louie modeled in the picture above. And a burp cloth. We got some other trinkets too.
When the guy who looked like Stephen King walked by, my mouth must have been hanging open and I was probably staring in an addle-pated way at him. If he comes out with a book about a weird googly-eyed woman at a Fair, we'll know it was him!
I have a question for my blog readers. When I mentioned to a certain person, not mentioning names here, that I was having my new granddaughter over night in 2 weeks, while her parents went to a Halloween party, the reply I got was this: " I would NEVER leave my newborn overnight that soon!". I said, she is going to be a month old, and it is not like I am a stranger! She said "I wouldn't do it". I see nothing wrong with it, of course, but what do other people think? Is she too young? Or is this person being snippy?
I had to leave Brooke at my mother's for a week when she was only 6 days old while I had an emergency hysterectomy. Gary couldn't handle the baby, working and dealing with me so my parent's took her, and look! she is alive and well today despite it.

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