Monday, February 2, 2009

It's February. Not that February is any different from January in my opinion. Still cold. Still snowy.
Yesterday we went to Northwood to meet friends for lunch. On the way there we noticed the car felt kind of bumpy. Gary said there was probably a piece of ice stuck to the tire and it would come off as we got going. We got on the highway and it went from feeling kind of bumpy, to Oh my God, my brains are rattling around in my head! Of course when you head south on 93 from our exit, the next place to get off isn't until Canterbury, so we bumped along as fast as we could, the faster we went the worse it was. Seriously, I thought the tire was going to come off. We got a couple of strange looks from people passing us, but most people didn't notice us bumping along, good thing it wasn't an emergency. We got off in Canterbury and pulled into the general store parking lot and sure enough, there was ice inside the rim, Gary had to poke at it with the ice scraper to break it up and push it out. I am just glad I wasn't by myself and experiencing this, because I would have been freaking out!!
We had a great lunch with our friends, I had part of Gary's salad and then fantail shrimp with french fries. We got home in time to watch the Superbowl. I was rooting for the underdogs because I don't follow any particular team except for the Patriots. But the Steelers did it again, and I think they are being just a tad bit greedy. The sixth time they have won?? The commercials were just okay. There was only maybe one or two that I thought was any good, and there were quite a few I thought were downright strange. But the half-time show? That was awesome. I was supposed to see Bruce Springsteen in concert back when I was a senior in high school. I was going with my brother, his girlfriend and my brother's friend Kevin. Only, it happened to fall on a night that I had driver's ed of all things, and the teacher told me if I missed that class, I was going to have to take the whole course all over again. Can you say piss ant? So I watched my brother and his girlfriend and his friend all drive off in the snow. Yep, it was snowing, and hard too. And yep, my driver's ed class got cancelled after they drove away. SO anyway, I enjoyed the half-time show and i also thought Jennifer Hudson did a fabulous job singing the anthem.
In other news, my nephew's wife is over due at this point. I think her due date was on Thursday? something like that. So we wait for news on that.

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