Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a lot of freezing rain yesterday. The power went out as we were eating dinner, and stayed out until a little after 10. Just long enough for us to miss American Idol, and other shows I had set to record, Deal or No Deal, Supernanny. sigh. Maybe I can watch some of these on the computer. At least we were able to have our fireplace going, and we had plenty of candles. I have a battery operated book light so i could read and was happy with that. This morning the sun shining on the trees was so pretty, they looked like crystal, I tried to capture it but the picture does not do it justice. Unfortunately, we probably won't get our mail today. Although Gary made sure he went out and cleaned up all the snow as the freezing rain was starting, the town plow went by at some point and pushed a big gloppy mess in front of the mailbox and it is now a frozen lump. Not good.

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