Monday, February 11, 2008


I seriously think these birds were robins in my tree yesterday. I don't know much about birds, but I do believe that robin's have red on them like this. They were big fat ones too, and there were a whole lot more around but by the time I got the camera and tiptoed to the window, Louie had run over and scared most of them away. It was a cheering thing to see in the midst of the blowing snow yesterday. We spent some time clearing the driveway and deck and steps and in front of the #$%! mailbox. If the mailman can't get to it today then I don't know what to do. Maybe attach a chute to it so he can slide the mail right into the box from the middle of the street?
Movies watched this weekend: Invasion with Nicole Kidman, good movie, very intense. And Waitress with, I don't remember her name but she was Felicity. I thought it was also a good movie, Gary and Brooke did not like it.

1 comment:

robinbrittagain said...

They look like Robin's to me!! Good sign!!