Tuesday, December 4, 2007

!#&$% Shoveling

It is only December 4th and I am sick of shoveling already. It looks like we got around 10 inches of snow, maybe a little less.
This morning I had to take Brooke to go get her blood drawn. She went for a check-up Friday and they couldn't seem to find a vein. I don't know what the problem was, the guy this morning had it done in 2 minutes. So she was late for school, but she only missed study hall I think. I went and did the grocery shopping after, love pushing the cart through the snow that doesn't get plowed up, fun fun.
I am going to reate different books that I read, and maybe someone will want to read one based on what I say. The list will be over to the left and I will give it 1 to 5 stars. 1 being really bad and 5 of course being really good. The first book I gave 3 stars, I want to see this movie, the story was good, but I wished it had been longer, and it comes with other short stories. I am not a big short story fan, so most of them I read really fast, the last story was called Hell House, it was a bit longer and more like a short book. Very bizarre story about a haunted house that is so evil, everyone who goes there ends up dead or crazy. Nothing like a little light reading around the holiday's eh?

1 comment:

Mnowac said...

Hi there! nice to see you over at Blogspot. We got a lot of snow today, I'm hoping it a few more weeks before we actually have to shovel!!!