Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Karen Wallace

Last night we had a small birthday party for Gary's mother at his brother Charlie's house. We brought pizza, Shelly made salad and we had cake and ice cream for dessert. We had a good time as we always do when we get together with his brother's and wives. Gary was in rare form last night and had everyone laughing for most of the night. My poor new car got a workout on their roads, although I still think our roads are worse. Gary's mother is 66 this year, we gave her a gift card to Wal-mart and a new book. Someone else gave her another book, some spring bulbs and a hummingbird feeder. Shelly and Charlie's youngest, Owen, is infatuated with Brooke and spent the whole night trying to impress her, oh to have that energy again. :)

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