Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008!


Party animals that we are, I think I was asleep by 11 last night. Oh well. That's what happens when you get old :) Gary had to work until 6:30, he stopped on the way home and got us KFC for supper. Ugh, why do we eat that crap? Because it was quick and easy that's why. Hey, what's so bad about a little chicken, mashed potatoes and corn? and potato logs...and biscuits...and chocolate cake??? Our resolutions for the new year are not unlike a million other people's. We need to start eating healthier, and we all want to lose some weight before the summer. Gary and I are aiming for at least 10 pounds each. I wish I could install a laugh track right here. While we were eating we watched "Reign Over Me", the Adam Sandler movie. Don Cheadle was in it too, it was really good. Weird to watch Adam Sandler in a serious role, but good, and a great soundtrack. 5 thumbs up.
Today Gary is outside snowblowing yesterday's 7 or 8 inches. Then we are driving to Newfields to have dinner at the Gilbert's. We are getting another storm and the clouds are already gathering, it should be fun to drive home in later. Newfield's is an hour and a half away from here. They are saying that we are getting another 6 inches at least. sigh. One good thing, I said a prayer to St. Anthony yesterday because I could not find the good shovel and so I had to break my back with the big crappy one, and I looked everywhere for that good one! Well later on my sister asked me for a bread machine recipe and I went down in the cellar to my bread machine to get my recipe book, and there was the shovel, over by the door. Gary had left it down there. Such excitement in my life, and who would have thought I would be beaming at finding my shovel???

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