Monday, January 28, 2008

Winter Walk

It is actually 37 degrees right now.
I decided to take Louie for a walk, he has been cooped up for many days. The wind is still quite cold but when it stopped blowing the sun felt good. A couple of times Louie would get his feet in the snow for too long and then look at me with this pitiful
look with his foot in the air until I used
my mitten to warm up his Stimpy foot.
Watched a few movies this weekend. Good Luck
Chuck with Dane Cook, it was pretty funny,
then Ratatouille which I thought was
cute, Brooke said it was stupid. Then Saving
Sarah Cain about a girl whose Amish sister dies
and leaves her 5 kids to Sarah. It was good, Brooke was bored by it. I used my Roomba today, so not impressed with that thing, I
swear I could do a better job if I swept the rug with a broom.

1 comment:

robinbrittagain said...

BURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-]